​We hold two recitals in June (dates will be announced when we have confirmed with the high school auditorium). You will need to purchase one costume for every class your child is enrolled in. Costume information will be given to you via email. All costumes include accessories & tights. You will not need to purchase anything additional. Costumes will be charged in full with November tuition and are non-refundable. A dress rehearsal will be held at the performing venue so your child will have an opportunity to experience the performance space! All information will be available to you via email and this web site.
Nutcracker Ballet
We will be performing the Nutcracker Ballet next year. The performance will take place in December. Rehearsals will be on Saturday afternoons. All students who apply will receive at least one part. Please contact the studio directly for registration information by phone at (781) 871-4264 or email DanceUnl197@aol.com.